
How In-taking Over the Counter Medicine during Pregnancy Increases The Risk of Childhood Outcomes

Previous studies have shown associations between the maternal use of acetaminophen during pregnancy and increased risks of adverse childhood outcomes.

How Intaking Over the Counter Medicine during Pregnancy Increases The Risk of Childhood Outcome

Previous studies have shown associations between the maternal use of acetaminophen during pregnancy and increased risks of adverse childhood outcomes. This includes neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD – marked by hyperactivity and difficulty paying attention or controlling impulsive behavior – and autism spectrum disorder, a complex developmental disorder that can affect how a person socializes, communicates, and behaves.

Since these studies relied on mothers self-reporting their use of acetaminophen for their pain, critics have stated that the findings may be affected by recall bias (a type of research bias that focuses on the difference in the ability of the participants to accurately recall information) or lack an objective measure of in-utero exposure.

As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have refrained from making recommendations regarding the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy.


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